We have an extensive range of products to suit all your Diemaking and Packaging requirements.
We have an extensive range of products to suit all your Diemaking and Packaging requirements.
We have an extensive range of products to suit all your Diemaking and Packaging requirements.

We stock a wide range of Creasing Matrix in Center, Offcenter, Double and Microcrease.
All diecutting equipment and tools are available for sale. Including, Birch Plywood, Cutting and Creasing Rule, Perforating Rule, Punches and accessories.
Proud suppliers of OKS Speciality Lubricants. We have all your lubricating needs under one roof.
Meaningful stock availability makes our customers more competitive.
Since 1965, NE Brown cc has been assisting our customers to succeed, whether it be one metre or one box of rule or channel matrix.
NE Brown Notting cc is a distributor, retailer and wholesaler (including exporter) of imported quality steel cutting/creasing rule, machinery, matrix and punches for the carton manufacturing and printing industries.
Suppliers of speciality lubricants for industry and all rust preventative applications.
Sole agents and distributors for;
OKS Spezialschmierstoff, Germany
Woodley Punches, UK
C & T Matrix and Ultracrease Limited UK
Voestalpine Precision Strip, Sau, Spain
Empowering our customer’s business continuity by carrying meaningful stock volumes and quick delivery by arrangement makes you more competitive.